The shower - Ramacieri Soligo
  • The shower


    The shower by Wetstyle

    Wetsyle, strongly recognized for manufacturing bathtubs and wash bassins for the bathroom, also fabricates, in the same "green" material WETMAR™fortement reconnue pour la fabrication de ses baignoires et lavabos pour la salle de bain, fabrique aussi dans le même matériau WETMAR™ a natural stone composite material, shower receptors that are slip resistance, antimicrobial and with few crevices for dirt to hide, they offer easy care cleaning maintenance. No membrane or floor slope construction is needed saving installation time and costs. The Quebec's leader also offers a variety of accessoires such as shooter penches, reclinable seats and shampoo holders.

    *Please note that you will only find a preview of the available products on here, do not hesitate to consult the manufacturer's link for the full range of products

    DC Collection

    36" x 36", 36" x 48", 41" x 48", 48" x 36", 48" x 48", 60" x 32", 60" x 41"

    Glacier Collection

    36" x 36", 41" x 41", 48" x 36", 60" x 32", 60" x 41"




    High gloss white /// Matte white



    WETSTYLE is a manufacturer of premium-quality bath furnishings headquartered in Montreal, Canada.Beyond WETSTYLE’s bold and original designs, every product is handcrafted from start to finish and custom-made to order in Canada. WETSTYLE’s bathtubs and lavs are made exclusively from WETMAR BiO™, the brand’s own eco-friendly natural stone composite material, while its furniture is crafted from hand-selected, sustainable hardwoods.

    The furniture


    The washbasin


    The bath
