In the last few years, we can observe a return to certain fundamental values such as simplicity and authenticity. This translates among other things as a healthy diet, making more humanitary and environmentally friendly decisions to minimize our impact on Earth.
In interior design, this current expresses inself in the return to natural materials, like linen and cotton, stone and marble. In this sense, black slate remains a sober and timeless choice and agrees with any modern or rustic design.
New sizes of the Montauk are now available at Ramacieri Soligo such as 10x40 cm or 5x20 cm. We have also introduced some pre-cut herringbone sizes allowing for more dynamic layouts. The black Montauk from Brazil can be installed on walls and floors, in residential or commercial projects. For a warmer and richer look, an enhancing sealant is added which deepens the colour and helps at the same time to protect the surface agaist stains and wear. Choosing the Montauk slate never fails to impress!